• Hunter N. Ratliff and Michael B.R. Smith and Lawrence Heilbronn Simulation of the GCR spectrum in the Mars curiosity rover’s RAD detector using MCNP6 (2017), Life Sciences in Space Research, 43 - 50 bib
  • Daniel Matthiä and Donald M. Hassler and Wouter de Wet and Bent Ehresmann and Ana Firan and John Flores-McLaughlin and Jingnan Guo and Lawrence H. Heilbronn and Kerry Lee and Hunter Ratliff and Ryan R. Rios and Tony C. Slaba and Michael Smith and Nicholas N. Stoffle and Lawrence W. Townsend and Thomas Berger and Günther Reitz and Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber and Cary Zeitlin The radiation environment on the surface of Mars - Summary of model calculations and comparison to RAD data (2017), Life Sciences in Space Research, 18 - 28 bib